
Step into the dark and mysterious world of Macbeth, where ambition, power, and fate intertwine in a tragic tale. This quiz will challenge your understanding of Shakespeare’s masterpiece, probing your knowledge of its intricate characters and pivotal moments. May your answers be as sharp as Macbeth’s dagger!
Macbeth Quiz
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1. Who is the author of Macbeth?
Identify the playwright of this famous tragedy.

Macbeth Quiz Questions Overview

1. Who is the author of Macbeth?

William Shakespeare
Christopher Marlowe
Ben Jonson
Thomas Kyd

2. What title is Macbeth given after his victory described in Act 1?

Thane of Cawdor
Thane of Fife
Duke of Albany
Earl of Northumberland

3. Who is Macbeth’s wife?

Lady Macbeth
Lady Macduff
Lady Lennox
Lady Ross

4. What prophecy do the witches give to Banquo?

His descendants will be kings.
He will become king.
He will be Thane of Cawdor.
He will defeat Macbeth.

5. Who kills King Duncan?


6. What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan?

A bloody dagger
A ghostly figure
A crown
A pool of blood

7. Who discovers King Duncan’s body?


8. Who flees Scotland to join forces against Macbeth?

Malcolm and Donalbain
Banquo and Fleance
Macduff and Lennox
Ross and Angus

9. What is the significance of Birnam Wood in the play?

It moves towards Dunsinane Hill.
It is where Macbeth hides.
It is where Duncan is buried.
It is where Banquo is killed.

10. Who ultimately kills Macbeth?

Banquo’s ghost

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