
Get ready to put your driving knowledge to the test! This quiz is designed to assess your understanding of driving behaviors, road safety, and traffic regulations. From recognizing road signs to understanding safe driving practices, each question will challenge your expertise and help you become a more informed driver. Good luck, and drive safely!
Driving Behavior Quiz
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1. What is the primary purpose of a stop sign?
Hint: Think about road safety and traffic control.

Driving Behavior Quiz Questions Overview

1. What is the primary purpose of a stop sign?

To yield to other drivers
To stop and proceed when safe
To slow down
To indicate a pedestrian crossing

2. What should you do when you see a yellow traffic light?

Speed up to cross before it turns red
Prepare to stop if it is safe to do so
Continue driving at the same speed
Make a U-turn

3. What is the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers over 21 in most states in the U.S.?


4. What is the recommended following distance behind another vehicle?

1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds
4 seconds

5. What does a flashing red traffic light mean?

Proceed with caution
Stop and proceed when safe
Yield to oncoming traffic
Slow down and prepare to stop

6. When driving in foggy conditions, which lights should you use?

High beams
Low beams
Parking lights
Hazard lights

7. What is the meaning of a solid white line on the road?

Indicates a one-way street
Separates lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions
Discourages lane changes
Marks the edge of the roadway

8. What should you do if you start to skid on a slippery road?

Brake hard immediately
Steer in the direction of the skid
Accelerate to gain control
Steer in the opposite direction of the skid

9. What is the purpose of a roundabout?

To provide a place to make U-turns
To reduce traffic speed and improve flow
To serve as a pedestrian crossing
To act as a parking area

10. What is the best action to take when an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is approaching?

Speed up to get out of the way
Continue driving at the same speed
Pull over to the right and stop
Make a U-turn

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