
Logical fallacies can often sneak into our arguments, leading us astray with faulty reasoning. This quiz is designed to help you recognize and understand these common errors in logic. Sharpen your critical thinking skills and see how well you can identify these fallacies in action. Good luck and enjoy the challenge!
Fallacies Quiz
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1. What is a ‘Straw Man’ fallacy?
This fallacy involves misrepresenting someone’s argument.

Fallacies Quiz Questions Overview

1. What is a ‘Straw Man’ fallacy?

Attacking a weaker version of an argument
Appealing to the popularity of an idea
Arguing that something is true because it has not been proven false
Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient evidence

2. Which fallacy involves assuming that because two things happened together, one caused the other?

Ad Hominem
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
False Dilemma
Slippery Slope

3. What is an ‘Ad Hominem’ fallacy?

Appealing to authority
Attacking a person’s character
Using circular reasoning
Presenting a false choice

4. Which fallacy involves presenting only two options when more exist?

False Dilemma
Red Herring
Begging the Question
Hasty Generalization

5. What is a ‘Red Herring’ fallacy?

Appealing to emotion
Using an irrelevant topic to divert attention
Making a personal attack
Assuming the conclusion in the premise

6. Which fallacy involves drawing a conclusion based on insufficient evidence?

Hasty Generalization
Appeal to Ignorance
Appeal to Authority
Slippery Slope

7. What is a ‘Slippery Slope’ fallacy?

Assuming one event will cause a series of events
Appealing to tradition
Attacking the person instead of the argument
Using circular reasoning

8. Which fallacy involves arguing that something is true because it has not been proven false?

Appeal to Ignorance
False Cause
Straw Man
Red Herring

9. What is a ‘Circular Reasoning’ fallacy?

Using the conclusion as a premise
Attacking the person instead of the argument
Presenting a false choice
Appealing to authority

10. Which fallacy involves appealing to the popularity of an idea as evidence of its truth?

False Cause
Red Herring
Slippery Slope

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