
In the healthcare field, preventing needlestick injuries is paramount to ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare providers. This quiz will challenge your understanding of the best practices and protocols designed to minimize the risk of these injuries. Let’s see how well you know the strategies that keep everyone safe. Good luck!
Needlestick Prevention Quiz
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1. What is the most effective way to prevent needlestick injuries?
Focus on the best practice for prevention.

Needlestick Prevention Quiz Questions Overview

1. What is the most effective way to prevent needlestick injuries?

Recapping needles after use
Using needleless systems
Discarding needles in regular trash
Reusing needles

2. Which of the following should be done immediately after a needlestick injury?

Wash the area with soap and water
Apply a bandage and continue working
Ignore the injury
Report the incident at the end of the shift

3. What type of container should used needles be disposed of in?

Plastic bags
Sharps containers
Cardboard boxes
Glass jars

4. Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for needlestick prevention?

Using safety-engineered needles
Recapping needles by hand
Training staff on safe handling
Using needleless IV systems

5. What should be done if a sharps container is full?

Continue using it until it’s overflowing
Seal it and replace with a new container
Empty it into a regular trash bin
Leave it in the patient room

6. Which organization provides guidelines for needlestick prevention?


7. How often should healthcare workers receive training on needlestick prevention?

Once in their career
Every 5 years
Only when hired

8. What is the purpose of using safety-engineered needles?

To reduce the cost of needles
To prevent needlestick injuries
To make needles easier to use
To increase the speed of injections

9. Which of the following actions can increase the risk of needlestick injuries?

Using a sharps container
Recapping needles
Using needleless systems
Following proper disposal protocols

10. What should you do if you find an improperly disposed needle?

Leave it and report it later
Pick it up with your hands
Use tongs or a tool to dispose of it safely
Ignore it

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