
Ready to hit the road? This Permit Practice Test Quiz will help you gear up for your driving permit exam by testing your knowledge on essential topics such as road signs, traffic laws, and safe driving practices. Buckle up and get ready to ace your permit test!
Permit Practice Test Quiz
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1. What does a red traffic light mean?
Think about the basic traffic signal rules.

Permit Practice Test Quiz Questions Overview

1. What does a red traffic light mean?

Proceed with caution

2. What should you do when you see a ‘Yield’ sign?

Speed up
Stop immediately
Prepare to stop and give way to other traffic
Ignore the sign

3. What is the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers over 21 in most states?


4. What should you do if you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you?

Speed up to get out of the way
Continue driving as usual
Pull over to the right and stop
Make a U-turn

5. What does a double yellow line in the center of a road signify?

You can pass if it is safe
Passing is allowed in one direction
Passing is not allowed in either direction
You can pass in both directions

6. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, which way should you turn your front wheels?

To the left
To the right
Straight ahead
Toward the curb

7. What is the purpose of a speed limit sign?

To suggest a safe driving speed
To indicate the maximum legal speed
To show the minimum driving speed
To confuse drivers

8. What does a flashing yellow traffic light mean?

Stop and wait for a green light
Proceed with caution
Speed up to clear the intersection
Yield to all traffic

9. What is the minimum following distance you should maintain behind the vehicle in front of you?

1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds
4 seconds

10. What should you do if you miss your exit on a freeway?

Stop and back up
Make a U-turn
Take the next exit
Pull over and wait

11. What does a ‘No Parking’ sign indicate?

You can park for a short time
You cannot park at any time
You can park if you stay in the car
You can park during certain hours

12. What is the purpose of a roundabout?

To allow for U-turns
To control the speed of traffic
To facilitate smooth traffic flow
To provide a place to stop

13. What should you do if your vehicle starts to hydroplane?

Speed up
Brake hard
Ease off the accelerator and steer straight
Turn sharply

14. What does a ‘School Zone’ sign indicate?

You must stop for school buses
You must drive at a reduced speed
You must turn off your engine
You must yield to all traffic

15. What should you do if you are involved in a minor collision with a parked car and cannot find the owner?

Leave the scene immediately
Leave a note with your contact information
Wait for the owner to return
Ignore it and drive away

16. What does a ‘Slippery When Wet’ sign indicate?

The road is always slippery
The road may be slippery when wet
You must drive at a reduced speed
You must stop immediately

17. What is the primary purpose of a seatbelt?

To keep you from being ejected from the vehicle
To make you more comfortable
To help you drive better
To prevent speeding

18. What should you do if you approach a railroad crossing with no warning signals and cannot see the tracks for 400 feet in both directions?

Proceed quickly across the tracks
Stop and look for trains
Honk your horn and proceed
Turn around and find another route

19. What does a ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ sign indicate?

Pedestrians must yield to vehicles
Vehicles must yield to pedestrians
Pedestrians cannot cross here
Vehicles can ignore pedestrians

20. What should you do if your brakes fail while driving?

Continue driving normally
Shift to a lower gear and use the parking brake
Speed up to your destination
Turn off the engine immediately

21. What does a ‘No U-turn’ sign indicate?

U-turns are allowed
U-turns are not allowed
Left turns are not allowed
Right turns are not allowed

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