
Step back in time to the Progressive Era, a period marked by profound changes and advancements in American society. From groundbreaking reforms to influential leaders, this era laid the foundation for modern America. Ready to test your knowledge of this dynamic period? Let’s dive in and see how much you know!
Progressive Era Quiz
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1. Who was the U.S. President during the majority of the Progressive Era?
Hint: He was known for his Square Deal domestic policies.

Progressive Era Quiz Questions Overview

1. Who was the U.S. President during the majority of the Progressive Era?

Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Warren G. Harding

2. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women the right to vote?

16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
19th Amendment

3. What was the main goal of the Progressive Movement?

Expansion of U.S. territory
Promotion of laissez-faire economics
Social and political reform
Military dominance

4. Which muckraking journalist wrote ‘The Jungle’, exposing the harsh conditions in the meatpacking industry?

Ida Tarbell
Upton Sinclair
Jacob Riis
Lincoln Steffens

5. Which organization was founded in 1909 to advance justice for African Americans?


6. Which law, passed in 1913, established the Federal Reserve System?

Clayton Antitrust Act
Federal Reserve Act
Sherman Antitrust Act
Hepburn Act

7. Which Progressive Era reform allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators?

16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
19th Amendment

8. Who was a leading figure in the settlement house movement and founded Hull House in Chicago?

Jane Addams
Florence Kelley
Ida B. Wells
Margaret Sanger

9. What was the purpose of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906?

To regulate the banking industry
To control immigration
To ensure the safety and labeling of food and drugs
To promote agricultural development

10. Which Progressive Era leader was known for his work in conservation and established numerous national parks?

Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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