
Safety is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, whether at home, work, or in public spaces. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge on various safety practices and precautions that can help you stay secure and prevent accidents. Let’s see how well you know the essential safety measures that protect us all. Good luck!
Safety Quiz
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1. What is the most effective way to extinguish a small grease fire in the kitchen?
Hint: Think about what you should avoid using.

Safety Quiz Questions Overview

1. What is the most effective way to extinguish a small grease fire in the kitchen?

Pouring water on it
Covering it with a metal lid
Using a wet cloth
Spraying it with a garden hose

2. Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for electrical safety?

Unplugging appliances when not in use
Using frayed or damaged cords
Keeping electrical devices away from water
Using surge protectors

3. What is the first step you should take if you smell gas in your home?

Light a candle to see better
Turn on the stove to check for leaks
Open windows and doors to ventilate
Call the gas company from inside the house

4. Which of the following is a key component of a home fire escape plan?

Knowing two ways out of every room
Locking all doors and windows
Staying in one place until help arrives
Using elevators during a fire

5. What should you do if you encounter a downed power line?

Move it out of the way
Drive over it carefully
Stay at least 10 feet away
Call a friend to help

6. Which of these is a common symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?

Nausea and dizziness
Itchy eyes

7. What is the recommended way to lift a heavy object to avoid injury?

Bending at the waist
Using your back muscles
Keeping your feet close together
Bending your knees and keeping your back straight

8. Which of the following is NOT a safe practice when using a ladder?

Placing the ladder on a stable surface
Standing on the top rung
Maintaining three points of contact
Having someone hold the ladder

9. What should you do if you find yourself in a building during an earthquake?

Run outside immediately
Hide under heavy furniture
Stand in a doorway
Drop, cover, and hold on

10. Which of the following is NOT a recommended action during a fire drill?

Walking quickly to the nearest exit
Using the elevator to evacuate
Following the designated evacuation route
Assembling at the predetermined meeting point

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