
Understanding transphobia is crucial for fostering an inclusive and supportive society. This quiz will challenge your knowledge on the topic and provide valuable insights into the experiences and challenges faced by transgender individuals. Let’s work together to create a more accepting world.
Transphobia Quiz
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1. What is transphobia?
Transphobia refers to…

Transphobia Quiz Questions Overview

1. What is transphobia?

Fear or hatred of transgender people
Support for transgender rights
Indifference towards transgender people
A medical condition affecting transgender people

2. Which of the following is an example of transphobia?

Using someone’s correct pronouns
Supporting transgender rights
Refusing to hire someone because they are transgender
Educating yourself about transgender issues

3. What does the term ‘cisgender’ mean?

Someone whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth
Someone whose gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth
A person who is gender-fluid
A person who does not identify with any gender

4. Which organization is known for advocating transgender rights?

Human Rights Campaign
National Rifle Association
American Medical Association
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

5. What does the term ‘deadnaming’ refer to?

Using a transgender person’s chosen name
Using a transgender person’s birth name without their consent
Referring to a transgender person’s gender identity correctly
Supporting transgender rights

6. Which term describes the process of transitioning from one gender to another?

Gender fluidity
Gender transition

7. What is the significance of the Transgender Day of Remembrance?

Celebrating transgender achievements
Remembering those who have been victims of transphobia
Promoting transgender rights
Educating about transgender issues

8. Which of the following is a common myth about transgender people?

Transgender people are mentally ill
Transgender people can live happy, fulfilling lives
Transgender people deserve equal rights
Transgender people can be of any sexual orientation

9. What is ‘misgendering’?

Using someone’s correct pronouns
Referring to someone by the wrong gender
Supporting transgender rights
Educating yourself about transgender issues

10. What is the purpose of gender-affirming healthcare?

Change a person’s sexual orientation
Support a person’s gender identity
Promote traditional gender roles
Discourage gender transition

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