
Workplace harassment is a serious issue that affects individuals and organizations alike. This quiz will help you understand the different types of harassment, recognize the signs, and learn how to respond effectively. Your awareness and knowledge can contribute to a healthier, more respectful workplace. Let’s get started and see how much you know!
Workplace Harassment Quiz
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1. What is workplace harassment?
Understanding the basic definition.

Workplace Harassment Quiz Questions Overview

1. What is workplace harassment?

Unwanted conduct affecting the dignity of men and women in the workplace
Friendly banter among colleagues
Constructive criticism from a supervisor
Casual conversations during breaks

2. Which of the following is an example of verbal harassment?

Unwanted physical contact
Derogatory comments or slurs
Displaying offensive images
Ignoring someone’s contributions in meetings

3. What should you do if you witness workplace harassment?

Ignore it
Confront the harasser aggressively
Report it to HR or a supervisor
Join in to avoid being targeted

4. Which of the following is NOT a form of workplace harassment?

Sexual advances
Physical assault
Constructive feedback
Threats or intimidation

5. What law in the United States prohibits workplace harassment?

The Fair Labor Standards Act
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Occupational Safety and Health Act
The Family and Medical Leave Act

6. Which of the following is a sign that someone might be experiencing workplace harassment?

Increased absenteeism
High productivity
Frequent promotions
Positive feedback from peers

7. What is the role of a bystander in preventing workplace harassment?

To ignore the situation
To support the harasser
To intervene or report the harassment
To avoid getting involved

8. Which of the following actions can help prevent workplace harassment?

Establishing a clear anti-harassment policy
Ignoring complaints
Encouraging competition among employees
Avoiding discussions about harassment

9. What should an employer do if an employee reports harassment?

Ignore the report
Retaliate against the employee
Investigate the report promptly and thoroughly
Dismiss the report without investigation

10. Which of the following can be considered sexual harassment?

Consensual romantic relationships
Unwanted sexual advances
Friendly greetings
Professional mentorship

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